Seems like persons are finding it very hard to tap dance around the contradiction.
The midiastation has styles and the ability to import lots and lots of third party styles. It also allows for those styles to be completely and with detail, edited by replacement of sounds (even VST sounds), copying of style parts or you can even create your own style from scratch. However, persons on this forum contend that arranger players do not have the skills to use a TOTL arranger the way they are meant to be use. Those same persons then go on to criticize another TOTL arranger (Audya) for not having detail style editing (the very same thing they say arranger players do not have the skill to do). If they can not see those statements as being contradicting statements, then ….
And persons seem to get confused with the difference between something being an “arranger” (objective) and something being a “good arranger” (subjective).
When I posted a topic on what is an arranger, it was very difficult for person to identify what is an arranger.