There are still issues with the correct saving and re-display of MIDI patch changes in creating/editing MIDI files.
If you can stil not use the qranger for editing your midifiles is not my fault.
You can still use: rosengarden, MUSE, ardour, Reaper, Energy XT, Logic 5 PC, LMMS...
maybe the problem is that you are not able to use this tools...
The LS works, just okay in my view. You cannot save any editing changes to any of the Yamaha styles, so EVERY TIME you want to recall a Yamaha style you have to go through the edit process again. And this is ONLY volume data I am talking about, not micro editing of the style itself.
So in reality unless you are happy with the OLD yamaha styles (with all their preset levels), and the even OLDER XG patches (these are really even worse than standard GM) then the LS with Yamaha XG is pretty useless.
hey....what have to do the Commercial Livestyler editing with the MS???
Is NOT my fault if Norbert NOT include the editor, JUST BUY it and you can full edit the yamaha styles too.
remeber that LS is ONLY a module that the MS contol the realtime features on TCP network.
I really NOT care if the LS is able for editing or not, is NOT our problems.
Even Dom admits the native MS styles are absolutely awful. And they are...REALLY!! I don't know who the "gun" style programmers were, but they were a waste of money. Most fo the styles sound like hashed up conversions by EMC!!!
Interesting to note elsewhere that another MS user who was not too long ago spruiking the ease and great sound of the MS/Yamaha styles, the Live Styler operation and the XG sounds, has now bought an E80 to go with the G70.
Actions are louder than words, truly!!
resolved also this MS audya styles too.
After the release the multiple display, my old friend Pieradis Rossini will start to develope amazing native audio styles for the MS and sell online on his webstore.
Pieradis is one of the more famous House producer, from mediarecords, read here who is Pier or just google it: 49ers, capella....
Pier will also record Video demos HOW to use a Audio/midi sequencer and record Audio styles...not just a simple bossanova out the box...
The screen has NO contrast controls and is really quite difficult to see, even in low-light conditions, unless you are almost directly above it. You CAN read it but it is with some degree of difficulty.
The MS display is a LVDS TFT display, NOT exist the contrast, like the all PC desktop display. All the others have only a LCD STN, totally a different display, you can not running mpeg video or website....
As all the volume sliders operate on the MS within the digital world, you get artefacts when sliding the sliders up or down. Even with the output levels set low. (These are sort of like digital limiters on all of the digital audio outs).
the MS have the Digital Volume control, that work from range: -90dB to +35dB @ 0.5 dB step.
the MS main volume slider work on range from 0 to 127 and when you have to jump dB step more than 1db, you can get this click audio.
Just go in setup, Volume control and reduce the master ot to 20-30%, then the click are LEFT, simple. We need +35Db range for drive the Mayersound UP-X system.
There is no quick and easy way to balance sound between the keyboard and a playing resource. If you go to the screen to adjust the keyboard volume, you lose the immediate control of the volume/EQ contols for the playing resource.
Normally...the MS is multi task pannel and will totally remapped when a new engine is running. If you open 10 ASIO Host, sampler, players, arranger...then how many keys/slider we need? 10.000??
The expression pedal assignments do not always operate correctly.
Its almost impossible to program a midi pedal(FCB 1010, the Yamaha ones for example) using MIDI as the controls all have to be re-mapped via the TCP's that are in wide use on the MS.
This is another features request and must be developed by code. Let me see if you can use the FCB 1010 on your PAX, T3, G7...if there work, then I add this feature in some days.
Oh and I did sell it, and I now have a PA2xPro again.
good deal! from 1000 Euro MS to 3000 euroo PAX2pro.
You have always cry that dont have money and for that I gave you the demo MS for only 1000 euro...
Now is the probe that if you need some/update, you have to PAY and who will the multiple display on MS have to pay the ridicolus 120 euro too, OR they can just enjoy the all new features without the external display...simple.
I really like to see now on PAX2pro with 320x240 display what are you able to editing..midifiles, styles...ouch...
anyway..enjoy what you play..