Originally posted by Irishacts: I'm not beating around the bush, I'm actually happy now that I finally “Get It” after years following the developments of this keyboard.
I always wondered why there was such secrecy surrounding this keyboard and a complete lack of Audio Demo's worthy of even being heard.
The answer is it's a Lemon and nobody likes admitting that they got caught out.
So my final words on the subject of the Mediastation “ever” will be, shame on anyone who knew of all these problems and ever reported them on the forum. If the keyboard is not playable live and reliable it should have been reported long long ago..
The End.
To Irishacts, (James) I am sorry for any harsh words I may have had towards you and your view of the MS.
All of what you say I now agree with.
Although what I will say is, speaking for myself, I never hid anything, it just took some time to work out what the issues were.
There are other owners who have owned a Media Station much MUCH longer than me who still attempt to "gloss over" the deficiencies.
For me the MS WAS a lemon, a giant leap of faith that proved to be a waste of time and money.
An idea and concept ahead of its time and yes, brilliant in its way, but without nearly enough of the resources to implement it properly so it could be a fully live instrument. Although even at a studio level it has issues.
I have now moved on (or slightly backward, not in quality though) and I will not be visiting software based keyboards for a long, LONG time, maybe never again.