An obsolete (by MS users' definition, not mine!) arranger making anything posted on this thread seem amateur by comparison. Remember, that's a FACTORY style, with a bit of loopage added. Not even a poor Roland conversion..!
It simply astounds me that year after year, time after time, MS users (including Dom himself) post incredibly amateurish music to try and persuade people that CAN recognize good music when they hear it (no matter the genre) that somehow, this pile of (well, you know!) really IS better than those arrangers that HAVE proved themselves capable of great music in the hands of their users, let alone factory demonstrators.
Are they simply so dazzled by all the blinking lights and large LCD screen that they fail to actually LISTEN to what they have made before they go ahead and post it, and in doing so, merely reinforce what we have all been saying for years?
So, listen up, all you MS users... BEFORE you hit 'Submit' on your next 'piece de resistance', have a listen to it and ask yourself, if anyone else submitted this as being from another arranger, would you call it a 'piece de merde'?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!