Originally posted by spalding1968:
maybe i have got it wrong then Miden . My understanding was that the Qranger could stretch the range of the note but not alter the chord so for instance, if i past a guitar riff that is playing say a Dminor 9th chord and i play an F Major 7th chord the Qranger would stretch the chord to Fminor 9th but could not morph or mimick the F major 7th ??? is my understanding correct ?

Thats why i said that the style could not play complex chords meaning the chords i play not the chords the original audio was recorded as playing. Sorry if the statement was inaccurate.

Sorry Spalding I did misunderstand, yes what you say there is accuarate it will stretch the chord, but it will still be the same chord type and inversion.

But I suppose if someone is willing to put in a chord (remember its all in C usually) that covers the major and minor forms, prob 5 would be enough for most songs, you could get more complex chordal recognition using audio.

I am just starting to experiment with audio styles now, so I may have some results in a couple of weeks.


Edited to add: Yes Magicas explanation there is perfect. Shoudl make it a lot clearer. Better than I could

So to add to mine, if you dont want to stretch chords you can save WITH the style every realtime guitar chord you want to use.

I think basslines are nto as important to use audio for as you can get very realistic and genuine bass lines using midi to drive the sampler.

For me the ability to have REAL guitars happening in styles is what I really want.

I can play enough in the keys area to cover all of that as I can have several VST's layered and playing at the same time on the MS using the Combi mode. These I can play along wiht the style.

No note limitations yet Diki and NO dropouts audio OR note...my max Combi layer so far is 4 instruments.

[This message has been edited by miden (edited 06-09-2009).]