sorry to sound stupid. I read through the manual but did not really understand what i was reading. Please qoute the part of the manual where it explains that any audio you stream from the hard drive will be transposed or stretched into either 13 or 36 different chord shapes.

If the manual doesnt say this explicitly then please explain so i can understand how one audio loop of for example a guitar track where in an up stroke several differnt notes are played in say a Dminor and a down stroke a D7 can all be stretched/transposed differently to sound like accurate or even acceptable when you hold down a Bminor9 chord?

I undertand the concept of stretching the entire audio up or down but how does it alter one piece of audio into different elements that each have to be altered lowered or hightened differently ?

Magic Alfa if you are comfortable in doing this can you post up an example of an audio guitar riff that you have imported into a style and show us a few chord changes. Not just straight major and minor chords but some 13ths 9ths and 7ths. Thanks so much for helping me undestand this new technology.

[This message has been edited by spalding1968 (edited 06-10-2009).]