I thing AFG Music and Spalding1968 you thing maybe on that:

You can play audio file for major and it MS will recognized all tones 13. But that will not be possible for all 36 chords. So If you will use that in audio is harder way But is possible. If will be used chords in VST like REAL GUITAR 2L than you can change all 36 chords because this VST is really good for recognitions of chords.

If you want you can have one style for major one for minor etc in other hand: that means in same time also that minor is different variation than major. Here is no more limited creativity.

But also if you want you can make same thing with only one major style and minor… etc is played on this base.

Good thing is that you can use for each channel different VST or AUDIO file. Qranger is simple for use but is having so many advantages that nobody can use all.


BR Magica Alfa